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Having suffered with advanced Macular Degeneration in both eyes for several years... Click here to read all testimonials
  "EYE DOCTOR with 50 years experience Treating Macular Degeneration, releases his Liquid Eye Product Eyes-N-MORE® to the Public and Medical Society"

"With Proven Effective Ingredients for Treating DRY Type Macular Degeneration"
"SEE" What People Are Saying About

"Swallowing Pills was difficult for me and this product has been a godsend. Now all I do is take my capful in the morning and feel great all day! I used to spend about $130 each month on supplements and no longer take anything but eyesnmore."

I recommend this product!

KC, Michigan

  John Colombo, M.D. is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and a practicing Ophthalmologist. He has specialized in the study of Age-Related Macular Degeneration and its association with whole body health for over 50 years which has led to his development of the very unique formula known as Eyes-N-More®.
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VITAMIN HOAX CONTINUED…………Three things one should consider when choosing a vitamin/supplement  to take for either the prevention of age-related macular degeneration or the treatment of dry-type age-related macular degeneration or for the purpose of over-all health maintenance:

  1. Bio-availability.  That’s a big word that merely means, how much of any vitamin or supplement actually that I take actually ends up in my system and how much just ends up as a “bedpan bullet”?

  2. And the second consideration or concern relates to the first.  That is,      “form follows function.”  In other words, how the actual vitamin and/orsupplement was manufactured will determine, to a large extent, just how“bio-available” it will be.

  3. Ingredients:  which ones and how much of each is in the product?.The actual form that the vitamin/supplement is supplied in is generally governed by the manufacturing process.  Most commercially available products are usually sold as ‘cold-pressed’ tablets.  That is, the actual ingredients are ‘pressed’ together with some fillers to make a tablet.  These tablets are, by far, the most difficult to break down in the digestive system and, therefore, will have the lowest ‘bio-availability.’  This manufacturing process is the cheapest and why many are sold in that form.

The more expensive process involves “micronization” which means reducing the vitamin/supplement preparation to extremely small, fine particles.  The process is expensive but results in a product that has a much higher ‘bioavailability’.   The fact that a particular product is in a capsule form does not necessarily mean that it was micronized.

Many people are in the habit of using two criteria when faced with the vast array of products on the shelves of their local pharmacy or vitamin outlet.  Some people actually limit their selection to a product based purely on price.  This is a very dangerous and sometimes foolish yard-stick by which to judge a product.  Some people feel that “all vitamins/supplements are created equally and, therefore, the cheapest will do the same job as the most expensive…….WRONG!  (The Vitamin Hoax!)

Comparing a list of ingredients from product to product is also common practice.  Few people will, however, ever actually compare the strength of ingredients from product to product.  In some products, the strength of individual ingredients is so low as to not be beneficial at all!  One of the most popular supplement preparations sold today falls exactly into that category.  The manufacturer spends huge amount of money on advertising rather than providing a product that has adequate strength and bio-availability.

BOTTOM LINE……The BEST product therefore would be one with the highest bio-availability, the greatest strength of ingredients, easy to take once a day, and protect not only Macular health and function but also offer broad protection to whole-body health.  Watch for my next article in which I’ll tell you about just such a product and just how to get it to get you started on the road to better eye and whole-body health!!!    LOOK FOR IT!!

John Colombo, M.D.

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