DON’T BE TAKEN IN… the “vitamin hoax!” In a recent discussion, we indicated that there were two forms of Age-Related Macular Degeneration the so-called “DRY” type and the so-called “WET” type.. We mentioned the importance of diagnosing the dry type as early as possible so as to prevent its progression to the wet form. Since we know that the ‘wet’ type of macular degeneration can totally rob one completely of central vision, and that that process can take place in as little a period of time as 24 to 48 hours, it becomes absolutely imperative that every effort be made to diagnose that disease as early as possible. We’ve discussed some of the more common causes for the development of Macular Degeneration and now we need to learn a little more about the treatment of ‘dry’ type Macular Degeneration.
Of course, it goes without saying that if we discover some of the underlying major causes of Macular Degeneration such as elevated low density lipoproteins (your LDL), or elevated levels of Homocysteine or Cardiac-Reactive Protein, or elevated Triglyceride levels, then we should take steps immediately to correct those levels before they become a major contributing cause of the Macular Degeneration.
I am often asked “just what are triglycerides anyway?” The best way to understand just what Triglycerides are is to imagine a log of wood that you might throw into the fireplace. After the wood has been completely burned, you will agree that we now have a pile of ashes to remove from the fireplace. Imagine now that that pile of ashes is “Triglycerides.” Well, you say, my body certainly isn’t a wood-burning furnace so how can that be? Actually, your body is not made of wood but is made up completely of forms of protein (as well as bone, hair, etc.). Protein is absolutely essential to build or re-build the body……they are the building blocks of the human body. The protein itself can be described as a long-chain molecule. These long-chain molecules are really made up of Amino Acids. These Amino Acids link together to make up the “protein.” There are NINE ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS that your body cannot survive without.
Your body (furnace) breaks down these Proteins (wood) to get at these essential Amino Acids which it needs for survival. After these Proteins have been broken down, what is left is Triglycerides (ashes). These Triglycerides invade the walls of the blood vessels in your body and cause them to “harden” leading to not only increased risk of heart attack, stroke, senility, etc. but also to increased risk of Macular Degeneration.
There are two major sources of Protein Animal or Vegetable. If the source of the protein is Animal in nature, Triglycerides will result from the breakdown of the protein and if the source of the protein is Vegetable, the protein will also be broken down to get at the same Amino Acids but there will be no Triglycerides (ashes) left. More on the Vitamin Hoax later………..
John Colombo, M.D.